Theme Handbook Less API

Item Description
@config-themeCustomizerVariableName Access theme customizer variable values. Ex.: @config-backgroundColor
@su-assetpath Theme asset folder path. Ex.: background:url('@{su-assetpath}/image.png');
@su-privatelabel Private label
@su-config-[KEY]-url Image & file field URLs
@su-config-[KEY]-focalpoint-x Image field focalpoint X
@su-config-[KEY]-focalpoint-y Image field focalpoint Y
.theme-image-fit(@which; @width; @height;) Path to image resized to fit within provided dimensions.
.theme-image-fill(@which; @width; @height;) Path to image cropped to fill provided dimensions. Won’t crop small images.
.theme-image-ratio(@which; @width; @height;) Path to image cropped to match provided ratio. Will crop small images.

When referring to images via @config-*, the variable must be used in the context of one of the .theme-image-* mixins. Example:

.background {
	  .theme-image-ratio( @config-bannerBg; 2000px; 460px; );
	  background-size: cover;
	  background-position: 50%;