Theme Handbook Naming Things

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things” (Phil Karlton, via Martin Fowler).

Good names are important, because code is only easy to change when it’s easy to read and understand.


Naming Less Variables

Less variable names should be camel cased.

Yes No
@variableName @VariableName

Less variable names depend on context.

Less variables that hold user-provided values should mirror the name of the config property.

Yes No
@accentColor: @config-accentColor @mainColor: @config-accentColor

All other Less variables defined in global.less should reflect their content, not their intended use.

Yes No
@greyLight @borderColor
@accentMedium @linkColor
@tan @carouselButtonColor

Less variables defined in components, on the other hand, should be named in reference to their use, and not their content.

Yes No
@linkColor: @accentDark @buttonGrey: @greyMedium

Naming CSS Classes

Most classes should be named according to the component they are a part of. A component’s basename should take the form of .layer-componentName in order to mirror the component’s file name. Its internal classes should be of the form .layer-componentName__subclass. Any class which does not pertain to a specific component should be hyphenated, though the need for its existense at all should be questioned.

Yes No
.class-name @className
.organism-navBar @class_name
.molecule-contentHeader__byline @ClassName

Naming Components

Components are grouped into four distinct layers:

(Definitions taken from Atomic Design, by Brad Frost, chapter 2.)

A component’s name takes the form of its layer, followed by a hyphin, followed by its specific name in camel case:

Yes No
atom-button atom-Button
molecule-branding branding
organism-navBar org-nav-bar
layout-default default

A component’s name is used in three primary places: its Twig partial filename, its Less file filename, and its primary CSS class. All three should be identical, with the possible exception of legacy layout Twig files.

Yes No
organism-navBar.html, organism-navBar.less, .organism-navBar organism-NavBar.html, navBar.less, .org-nav-bar