Theme Handbook Pattern Guide

ThemePatternGuide ships with most recent themes SimpleUpdates has developed. The tool generates a style guide which helps in theme development and testing.

Accessing a Theme’s Style Guide

To access a theme’s style guide, first activate the theme and then append the following path to your domain name in your browser’s URL bar:


Style guide


Style guide toolbar

The toolbar at the top of the style guide allows you to:

  1. Filter all components by title
  2. Refresh the page, retaining any applied filtering
  3. Clear all filters


Style guide component

Each pattern in the guide includes several additional controls and pieces of information:

  1. The component’s title. Click the component’s title to view only this specific component.
  2. Scenario selector. This allows for viewing the component with different sets of content. Not all components include scenarios.
  3. Usage hint. This field contains information about how to use the component in a theme file. Not all components include a usage hint.
  4. Resize handle. Drag the handle to see how the component reacts to different screen sizes.
  5. Resize reset button. Use this button to return the component to its original size.

Registering a New Component

Any theme which ships with a style guide should include a styleguide.html layout in the theme’s “layout” folder. This is where theme-specific components are registered. All components should be registered within the content block in this layout.

Simple components can be registered very easily:

{% include "dev/pattern-include.html" with { partial: "partial/molecule-nav.html" } %}

This snippet registers a new component found in the partial file partial/molecule-nav.html.

In addition, scenarios and parameters (used in generating the usage hint) can be supplied using the pattern-include syntax:

{% include "dev/pattern-include.html" with {
	partial: "partial/atom-hero.html",
	scenarios: {
		"Unsplash": {
			"imageUrl": ""
	params: [ "imageUrl", "classes" ]
} %}

At times, you may wish to hand-craft your own style guide component, instead of allowing the boilerplate to be auto-generated. In such cases, you’ll need to use a substantially more verbose syntax:

{% embed "dev/pattern.html" with { name: "Atom: Button" } %}
	{% block scenarios %}
		{% embed "dev/scenario.html" %}
			{% block scenario %}
				<br />
				<p><span class="button"><a href="#">.button > a</a></span></p>
				<p><a href="#"><span class="button">a > .button</span></a></p>
				<p><a href="#" class="button">a.button</a></p>
				<p><button class="button">button.button</button></p>
				<p><span class="button">.button:not(a)</span></p>
				<p><span class="button bleached"><a target="_blank" href="#">Bleached Button</a></span></p>
			{% endblock %}
		{% endembed %}
	{% endblock %}
	{% block usage %}{{ '<a href="#" class="button">Label</a>'|e }}{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

You can add multiple scenarios to your component by creating multiple dev/scenario.html embeds within the scenarios block.

The Color Component and Color Registration

Style guide component

One of the components which the styleguide always comes with is the “Colors” component. This component displays colors registered by the theme in global.less.

Hover over a color to see its Less variable name and final hex value.

Color variables are registered in a theme’s global.less file this way:

	@import (optional) "../dev/styleguide";

	/* ~"color" explanation: */

There are three important things to notice here:

  1. styleguide.less must be imported before you register your color variables, and it should be imported with the (optional) keyword to avoid potentially breaking the theme.
  2. Variable names are not registered with an initial @ symbol.
  3. Variable names which could conflict with CSS color names should be escaped (example: ~"red").